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EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: A Conversation with Cardinal Sim: The World-traveled Engineer (Who Initially Declined Ordination to Priesthood) Who Would Become Brunei’s 1st Bishop & Cardinal

“When Pope Francis asked ‘Where are you from?’ I answered: ‘Brunei’ He surprised me with his next words: ‘Ah, paradiso! (Ah Heaven!)”  Here is a ZENIT exclusive interview with Cardinal Cornelius Sim, Apostolic Vicar of Brunei, the first Cardinal of…

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International Internet Day is celebrated worldwide, every year on 29th of October. Since the year 2005 the International Internet Day has been famously celebrated to commemorate a momentous day in the history of telecommunications and technology. This was the event…

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Logo for Malaysian Bishops

The Malaysian Bishops’ Conference logo is built around a national emblem , the hibiscus flower, as we fully become a Malaysian Church. By Charles BertilleThe Malaysian Bishops’ Conference logo is built around a national emblem , the hibiscus flower, as…

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