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Telipok is a town located about 15 kilometres north of Kota Kinabalu. The town is within the administration of Kota Kinabalu City Hall and is a sub-district of the city.  The Holy Family Church was blessed on 23 Nov 1972 by Bishop Peter Chung, assisted by Fr John Tsung and Fr Joseph Dapoz.  It has a school and a convent with boarding facilities located within its compound.  It is one of the two churches administered by the resident priests of St Catherine Inanam.  The other church is Good Shepherd Manggatal.  The Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC) set up a community here in 1987 and a hostel for girls.  The parish hall was built in 1992.

Address: Jalan Tuaran, P.O. Box 10975,
88810 Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Tel: 088-491681

Parish Priest: Fr David Sham
Assistants: Fr. Sylvester Wong (24.06.2022 -), Fr Postinus Kurup (1.10.2022 -), Fr Mattheus Luta (9.7.2017),
PPC Chairperson: Lawrence Kimkuan (2023-2026)
Mary Chung (2023-2026)

Masses available:
Sat: 6:00 pm (BM) (starting 4 Nov 2017)
Sun: 7:30am (BM), 10:00am (CH)

Outstation Chapels 2016
Divine Mercy KKIP
St Flora Lapasan
St Maria Magdalena Kayumadang
St Petrus Tampulan
St Francis Xavier Bunsut
St Lazarus Natai
St Irenaeus Natai Siba
St Anne Lawa Mondou

Pastors Past & Present
1893-1920 Fr Pundleider
1920-1927 Fr Groot
1927-1946 Fr Valentine Weber
1946-1963 Fr A Grent
1963-1982 Fr John Tsung
1982-1990 Fr Felix Chung, Fr Thomas Sham
1990-1993 Fr David Sham
1993-2001 Fr Alex Sipanul
2001-2006 Fr Ambrose Atang, Fr Michael Modoit, Fr Felix Chung (2003-2006)
2007- Fr David Sham, Fr Michael Modoit (2007-2014), Fr Paul Lo (2014-31.8.2017), Fr Rayner Bisius (2014-31.8.2017), Fr Mattheus Luta (9.7.2017), Fr Mitchelly Kiun (1.9.2017 – 01.10.2022)

Sr Elizabeth Munggai (professed 1987)
Fr Jeffri Gumu (ordained 2012)

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