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KK clergy welcomes Fr Abel into presbyterium

_ACM7046-cropRANAU – “I thank God that you have the courage to say ‘Yes’ to Him, to serve Him as a priest.” These were the words of Archbishop John Wong as he welcomed the newest member, Fr Abel Madisang, into the presbyterium of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu. Fr Abel, 35, was ordained a priest on Monday, 4 May 2015 at his home parish of St Peter Claver Ranau, after eight years of seminary formation and serving as a deacon in Sacred Heart Cathedral.

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Chrism Mass manifests the unity of priesthood

DSC_5199KOTA KINABALU – On Mar 26 and 30 across the Arch/dioceses of Kota Kinabalu, Sandakan and Keningau, the Arch/bishops gathered with their priests, seminarians and deacons, consecrated religious and lay faithful to celebrate the Chrism Mass where two important things took place:  the priests publicly renewed their priestly promises before their bishops, and the Oils of Catechumens and the Sick were blessed and the Holy Chrism consecrated. 

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Fr Mitchelly shares on first year as priest

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAThe newly ordained are not only adjusting to priesthood, celibacy and ministry; they are also adjusting to becoming leaders of parishes, with all the attendant administration, leadership and management challenges.  Here is a candid sharing from Fr Mitchelly Kiun on his first year of priestly ministerial service:

1.   What do you love most about being a priest?

Being a priest is to be able to preach and minister to the people of God. So to me, the most enjoyable moment is when I diligently prepare myself before every Sacrament of the Eucharist. Preparing myself means to immerse my worldly life into the spiritual Word so that I may be more Christ-like.  In other words, the WORD OF GOD is my source of inspiration for my daily living, especially in my availability to help others and for my own spiritual growth.

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Two ordained deacons in Keningau Diocese

SONY DSCKENINGAU – Seminarians Hilanus Simon and Harry Dorisoh were joyously ordained as deacons for the Diocese of Keningau by Bishop Cornelius Piong at St Francis Xavier Cathedral on 22 Mar 2015. The celebration saw a large multitude of parishioners from the Diocese of Keningau as well as Sandakan Diocese and Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese

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2015 IY academic year opens with Mass

SeminarianKOTA KINABALU – New aspirants and seminarians have been accepted for year 2015.   A Mass was celebrated Feb 12 in the chapel of IY Formation House to mark the opening of the academic calendar for 2015. The Mass was presided by Archbishop John Wong and concelebrated by Fr Rayner Bisius, Fr Wilfred Atin, Fr Jalius Sading, Fr Paul Lo and Fr Jeffri Gumu.

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Understanding the Vowed Life

IMG_5883A vow is a sacred promise or commitment made publicly with the approval of the Church. Through her vows, a Sister responds with her whole life to God’s invitation to love Him completely and without reserve. This free response is a fuller expression of her baptismal call and is, for one who is genuinely called to the consecrated life, a means to greater holiness. All Christians are called to live the virtues of chastity, poverty and obedience; these vows provide for a purification of heart and spiritual freedom that uniquely mark the life of the consecrated woman religious. Living these vows enables her to focus her entire being on God and His people.

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Fr Abel shares his vocation story

Yr6_Abel Madisang-aAbel Madisang:  Whenever we talk about vocation to the priesthood, one thing that comes to my mind is ‘to offer oneself totally to God to continue his mission to share God’s love and compassion for the salvation of souls,’ as well as ‘to sacrifice the life of marriage.’

Frankly speaking, I have never thought of becoming a priest. I am just like the other youngsters. I have my own ambitions in life. I want a good job, a house for my future family, and also I want to get married. Therefore, becoming a priest is not in my list of ‘wants’.

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K.I.T.A session preparing students for further study

20140427_195233opTANJUNG ARU – About 30 participants, comprising of students who have completed SPM & STPM, together with their parents, attended the Keep-In-Touch-Always (K.I.T.A) session  Apr 27, 2014 held at Stella Maris Church parish hall.

Organized by the Parish Pastoral Council (PPC), the objective of the talk was to prepare students intending to go for further studies within Malaysia on the challenges they may face,  and the importance of keeping in contact with the Catholic Church, by being involved with Catholic Students’ Groups on campuses and colleges so as to keep their faith alive.

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Whom shall I send? … Here am I, send me

Edward Yahan:   I come from a Catholic family of St Martin’s parish, Telupid.   I am the oldest of 6 siblings.

     My parents and other family members have always encouraged me to join vocation seminars, which I have from time to time.

     Looking back, I recalled the few occasions when Fr Marcellinus Pongking,

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You COULD BE attracted to this … Take a brief look at the journey of faith in the Seminary as shared by Dafrinn Diwo

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