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There are four advisory bodies in the Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese:

1. College of Consultors (COC)

The College of Consultors is an institute established by Canon Law and is presided over by the archbishop. The membership is constituted by no less than six nor more than twelve bishops and priests appointed from among those serving in the  Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu for a period of five years. The functions of the College are dictated by a variety of canons of the Code and pertain primarily to matters of diocesan governance and administration. The College also provides counsel to the Archbishop on specific matters of pastoral concern at his request.

College of Consultors
President: Abp John Wong
Members: Msgr Nicholas Stephen, Fr Primus Jouil, Fr Paul Lo, Fr Cosmas Lee, Fr Wilfred Atin

2. Archdiocesan Finance Board (AFB)

The Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu Finance Board is one of the four consultative councils of the Archdiocese, along with the College of Consultors, Council of Religious, and the  Pastoral Council.  It is a required canonical body, established by the Archbishop for the purpose of advising and assisting him in financial matters in accord with the norms of canon law.

The Finance Board is responsible for (i) advising the Archbishop on the development and implementation of strategies designed to assure the financial soundness of the Archdiocese, (ii) overseeing (but not managing) Archdiocesan financial operations and condition, and (iii) assisting the Archbishop in achieving openness and transparency in Archdiocesan financial reporting.  Consistent with these responsibilities, the Finance Board will make specific recommendations to the Archbishop on policies, procedures and actions, and will monitor the implementation of recommendations that have been accepted by the Archbishop.  The Archbishop will fully inform the Finance Council on matters on which it is to vote, to oversee or to provide consultation.  The Archbishop will also seek the approval of the Finance Board on matters on which its vote is required and will seek the counsel or oversight of the Finance Board on those matters on which they are to be provided as specified in the Finance Board Charter.

AFB Members:
President:  Abp John Wong
Members: Msgr Nicholas Stephen, Fr. Primus Jouil, Fr. Wilfred Atin, Datuk Bernard Liew, Ms. Lenice Lim, Mr. Peter Yapp, Mr. James Lo, Ms Monica Chua

3. Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC)

In line with the Diocesan Organisational Pastoral Plan (DOPP), the Diocesan Pastoral Council was formed on 19 Oct 1998.  The Diocesan Pastoral Council (DPC) is a consultative body prescribed by Canon Law and under the authority of the Bishop to study and weight matters which concern pastoral works in the Diocese and to propose practical conclusions (can 511).

The first 14 members were: Bishop Lee, Msgr Primus Jouil, Fr Francis Tsen, Fr Bruno Yasun, Fr Simon Kontou, Sr Aquinas Voon fsic, Sr Agnes Wong fsp, Br Justin Mobilik fsc, Albert Matusin, Anthony Lim, Doreen Poh, Henry Solibun, Lawrence Bisuil, Philomena Kan, Waky Taim, Willie Binati.  The diocese became an archdiocese in 2008.  So the council is now known as the Archdiocesan Pastoral Council (APC).

Archdiocesan Pastoral Council June 2017 – June 2020

President            :  Most Rev John Wong

Vicar General    :  Msgr Nicholas Stephen

Chairperson       :  Anthony Lim

Secretary            :  Neil Mah


(Clergy) Msgr Nicholas Stephen, Fr Michael Modoit, Fr Wilfred Atin

(Religious) Br Thomas Paul SG, Sr Dariah Ajap FSIC, Sr Suzana Guntabid FSIC,
Sr Terecia Loukang FSIC

(Laity) Ms Catherine Ong, Dr Felix Tongkul, Dr Jeffrey Soon, Mr Joseph Leong,
Mr Jerome Majanil, Mr Jeyan Marimuthu, Mdm Vera Chin, Mr Dominic Lim (in attendance)

4. Council of Religious (COR)

With the encouragement and guidance of Bishop John Lee, the Council of Religious (COR) was formed in August 1997 in the diocese.  The elected office bearers were: Sr Aquinas Voon fsic (chairperson), Br Justin Mobilik fsc (vice chairperson), Sr Agnes Wong fsp (secretary), Sr Angeline Lau rgs (treasurer), Sr Grace Deosing fsic (member), and Sr Cecilia Liew fsic (member).

Nature and Purpose of Existence (DOPP p 34)

1. The Council is a consultative and coordinating body.
2. To promote inter-congregational dialogue among religious in view of deepening their commitment and fostering collaboration in the service of the Local Church.
3. To assist the archbishop in making significant decisions in achieving more fully the vision and mission of the archdiocese.

1. The Archbishop
2. The Superior General of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception and two other members
3. The Local Superiors (or their delegates) of the other congregations working in the archdiocese
4. An Episcopal Vicar for Religious (No 54 – Directives for the Mutual Relation between Bishops and Religious in the Church)
5. The office bearers – chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary cum treasurer – will be elected by and from the Council members for a term of three years and are eligible for re-election for another term.

Functions and Responsibilities
1. Planning: To promote unity and effective collaboration among religious congregations
2. Leading: To foster life-giving relationships and sincere openness and trust that enhances mutual respect, responsibility, and accountability between the religious congregations and with the laity, clergy, and the archbishop.
3. Organising: To facilitate the widest possible participation of the members of the different religious congregations in the spiritual and pastoral needs of the archdiocese while respecting their distinctive charisms.
4. Controlling: To make periodic formative and summative evaluations of decisions made and initiatives taken as a collaborative body.

To the Archbishop and the major superiors of the respective religious congregations.

Since 2015, there are four women religious institutes and three men religious institutes serving in the archdiocese: Order of Discalced Carmelite Nuns (OCD), Daughters of St Paul (FSP), Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception (FSIC), and Religious of the Good Shepherd (RGS); Brothers of St Gabriel (SG), Brothers of the Christian School or La Salle Brothers (FSC), and the Marist Brothers (FMS).

Episcopal Vicar for Religious: Msgr Primus Jouil
Chairperson: Fr Andrew Kim SST
Vice Chairperson:
Secretary: Sr Magdalene Chong FSP
Treasurer: Sr Joan Michael FSIC
Members: Sr Frances Mani FSIC, Sr Jossie Sili RGS, Br Andrew Chan FMS, Br Justin Mobilik FSC

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