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Jannessa shares her Journey to Emmaus

First and foremost, I wouldn’t even be here writing down my experience if it’s not for Jesus who opened the eyes of my heart to participate in these 2 weeks of Emmaus Youth Camp 2014.

It was a worthwhile experience for me as I have never been away from home for this long. I’m glad I listened to my brother, Joshua and also my cousin, Sheerah as they were the ones who encouraged me to go and find my true self with Jesus.

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Bukit Harapan community celebrates 48th anniversary of spiritual adviser

KUALA  MENGGATAL –  In gratitude to their spiritual adviser and friend, Fr Francis Tsen, the little community of Bukit Harapan got together with friends and supporters of the community to celebrate the 48th anniversary of his priestly ordination, and to thank God for the gift of his friendship and unwavering support for them, at Bukit Harapan Jan 9.

After the Thanksgiving Mass, which was presided by Fr Francis and concelebrated with Fr Felix Chung, the scrumptious ‘family meal’ was shared among the community family members, supporters and friends in the like of a big happy family.

On being approached by Catholic Sabah, Fr Francis agreed to share on his journey with the Special People of Bukit Harapan, and here it is ….

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Sandakan seminarians organise vocation roadshow in Telupid

TELUPID – The seminarians from the Diocese of Sandakan successfully organized a Weekend Experience programme with the youth at St Martin’s Parish, Telupid on 3-5 Jan 2014.

The organizing team was glad for the involvement and support of the parish priest, Fr Jasery and three Franciscan Sisters: Sr Appollonia fsic from Sandakan, Sr Lucynia fsic from Penampang, and Sr Liza fsic from Kota Belud.

Some 30 youths took part in the programme, which began with a fellowship dinner with the parishioners on Friday night.

The objective of the three-day event was to convey to the young people the meaning of vocation, especially the priestly and religious vocations.

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Keningau hosts Sabah Clergy Gathering

cs20140201_bishopsmeetKENINGAU – Keningau Diocese hosted this year’s Sabah Clergy Gathering.

There comes a time when it is hard to find any priest to administer sacraments. These times are usually twice a year – January and September. In this bi-annual event, all the bishops and priests of the three dioceses in Sabah are gathered at one place for meeting, which is in January, and retreat, which is in September.

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David Tan shares his faith journey

My journey of faith begins with my first encounter with Christ which subsequently led to my conversion to become a Catholic. I was baptised in Easter 2005. Before then I was a pagan worshipping idols, seeking feng sui masters when things were not right and keeping talismans for protection and luck. I was a worldly person in every sense, seeking status and power which turned me into an arrogant and self-centred person.

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“The Joy Of The Gospel” – A Synthesis

ROME(VATICAN RADIO).- Nov 26 – The Joy of the Gospel is the title Pope Francis has chosen for this first major document of his pontificate, putting down in print the joyous spirit of encounter with Christ that characterizes every public appearance he has made so far. The man who has constantly kept the media’s attention with his desire to embrace and share his faith with everyone he meets, now urges us to do exactly the same. To “recover the original freshness of the Gospel”, as he puts it, through a thorough renewal of the Church’s structures and vision. Including what he calls “a conversion of the papacy” to make it better able to serve the mission of evangelization in the modern world. The Church, he says, should not be afraid to re-examine “customs not directly connected to the heart of the Gospel” even if they may have deep historical roots.

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IY And CAC Close Academic Year 2013


KOTA KINABALU –  Arthur John, IY seminarian, writes on the closing of the academic year for archdiocesan formands:

Dec 11, 2014 marks the closing of our academic calendar year 2013 for the CAC Aspirants and the IY Seminarians.

It is by God’s Grace that we are able to complete our formation for the year. It seems like it was only yesterday that we began our journey in the CAC and IY Formation Houses. The period seems short but it is made up of many moments that filled our journey.

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