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CLOW Tawau organises rosary workshop for childdren

rosary workshop1TAWAU – Passing on our faith to the next generation needs commitment and perseverance. Children deserve to receive the fundamentals and the basics of their faith especially through their parents.

The facilitators of the Children’s Liturgy of Holy Trinity Parish Tawau organized a one-day Rosary Workshop for children aged 10 years and above on Sep 16, which was attended by 30 students, English Sunday School teachers and parents.

The workshop aimed to help students in deepening their faith about Mother Mary through the knowledge of the Holy Rosary.

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SRK Sacred Heart wins 2014 MASMO competition

02Masmo Champs-1KOTA KINABALU (CS) – SRK Sacred Heart has done the state and nation proud by becoming the National Best Team champion for the 2014 Level 2 Science competition of Malaysia Asean Science & Maths Olympiad (MASMO).

The school also won the silver team award for Standard 6 Mathematics of MASMO, making it the best primary school team overall in Malaysia for both these subjects.

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Sabah bishops congratulate Abp Leow on his appointment

DSC_0001Gentle and firm

I congratulate you for your courage to take up this great responsibility as Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur.  This can only come from your humility to submit yourself into the hands of God.

Your gentleness and kindness towards the vulnerable, your approachability to the strong-headed, your firmness in your decisions and in showing direction augur well for the Church.

Assuring you of my constant support and collaboration, I look forward to working with you in the Bishops’ Conference, while at the same time looking up to you for leadership among the Malaysian Bishops, being the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, our nation’s capital city.

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Sandakan prelate calls on the faithful to build up community through BECs

kasi tunjuk cdLAHAD DATU – Addressing the faithful at the Eucharistic Celebration for the 7th Sandakan Diocesan Anniversary at St Dominic’s Church, Bishop Julius Gitom told the people of faith to adopt a change of attitude towards neighbors in order to build up the community through BECs in line with the diocesan pastoral thrust.

“Do your best to produce fruits for His Kingdom, and when we celebrate the 8th Diocesan Day next year, we could confidently say that we have in fact done our best for His Kingdom,” said the prelate.

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Thought for November 2014

The Synod and the Spirit

There is a certain panic in some quarters of the Church on the heels of the Synod’s somewhat abstract post discussion report (relatio post disceptationem). People are asking, “What are the bishops doing in Rome? What is the Pope doing?” But the real question is what is the Holy Spirit doing? For the Spirit is the one Jesus sent to “teach you all truth.”  The Spirit is our advocate, our help, our consoler, our strength, our wisdom… but also the one who convicts, enlightens, and exposes our hearts so that we have the opportunity to always move deeper toward the truth that sets us free.

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New KL archbishop installed

Julian 3KAJANG – Newly-installed archbishop of the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur, the Rev Msgr Julian Leow (pix), has called on the church to take a new and fresh perspective and actions that can foster not only peace and harmony but also respect and understanding for people of all faiths.

“If we, as a nation, have not reconciled our past of how we have struggled side by side to build our nation, if we do not acknowledge the contributions and sacrifices of the people, we will continue to stagnate and never progress to be who we can and should be as Malaysians and remain a nation divided in herself and never stand tall.

“Malaysia needs united Malaysians in mind, heart and soul,” Leow said in his speech after his installation today.

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Pope Francis’ Message for World Mission Day 2014

Today vast numbers of people still do not know Jesus Christ. For this reason, the mission ad gentes continues to be most urgent. All the members of the Church are called to participate in this mission, for the Church is missionary by her very nature: she was born “to go forth”. World Mission Day is a privileged moment when the faithful of various continents engage in prayer and concrete gestures of solidarity in support of the young Churches in mission lands. It is a celebration of grace and joy. A celebration of grace, because the Holy Spirit, sent by the Father, offers wisdom and strength to those who are obedient to his action. A celebration of joy, because Jesus Christ, the Father’s Son, sent to evangelize the world, supports and accompanies our missionary efforts. This joy of Jesus and missionary disciples leads me to propose a biblical icon, which we find in the Gospel of Luke (cf. 10:21-23) .

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YLC Clubs meet in Lahad Datu and Telupid in September

St Gabriel Tungku, Lahad DatuSANDAKAN – Thirty  youths from Tungku, Felda and Kunak participated the YLC Club  13-14 Sep 2014 at St Gabriel Tungku, Lahad Datu, while 20 youths from Telupid attended the YLC Club at St Martin’s Church, Telupid on Sep 27-28.

Youth Leaders’ Camp (YLC), designed for youth leaders in the Diocese of Sandakan, is usually held in the early part of the year.

A follow-up program called YLC Club, held twice a year, is meant for youth leaders who have attended previous YLC to meet up, listen and to share their experiences during their journey as youth leaders in the church.

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Stella Maris organises Youth Evanglising Youth 2

2014-09-28 12.06.06TANJUNG ARU – Last year Stella Maris Parish launched for the first time a programme entitled ‘Youth Evanglising Youth’.

The objective of the Youth Evangelizing Youth programme is to let ‘youth evangelise youth’ and taking to heart the words of Pope Francis in his homily at WYD Rio Jul29, 2013 “the best instrument to evangelise young people is other young people”.

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UMS seniors organise welcoming event for freshies

The Juniors UMSSANDAKAN – On Sunday, 21 Sep 2014, 50 Christian students who have just enrolled into University Malaysia Sabah (UMS), Sandakan gathered for a welcoming event ~ ‘welcoming the juniors to the campus’ organised by the seniors.

Apart from extending our arms to welcome them, the program is also an assurance that they are not alone in the campus. They will have “brothers and sisters In Christ” (BASIC) to journey with them throughout their campus life in Sandakan.

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