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Sacred Heart CWL to reflect “Joy of the Gospel” in service

IMG_5217KOTA KINABALU (CS) – In his congratulatory message to the Sacred Heart Catholic Women’s League (SHCWL) who celebrated their 43rd year in the service of the Church, Archbishop John Wong acknowledged that 43 years is a not a ‘short time’ in terms of service.  He accorded it as a true blessing from God to the SHCWL.

He also expressed his delight that SHCWL has considered the Eucharistic Celebration at the beginning of the event to be the appropriate acknowledgement of gratitude for God’s bountiful blessing on them as a Ministry, as well as for God to continue to pour out His blessings on those who believe in Him.  Food, as in the dinner event, was an extension of that joy in the Lord.

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Christmas message: Come, adore on bended knees

1356511964Christmas celebration is here again! But as believers in Christ, who is sent by the Father, Christmas is not just one of the celebrations that we celebrate in Malaysia.  Very often I have a sense that when we greet one another “Happy Christmas’, it is just a casual celebration greeting which we do with other celebrations. The question is, how aware and convinced are we that the core of our Christmas greetings and Carols is the Love of God for us expressed in the birth of Jesus (Jn.3:16) who dwells among us (Jn. 1:14). As believers in Christ, it is important therefore that we are convinced in what we do, say, and celebrate at Christmas. Let us not be drowned in or be intoxicated with the worldly Christmas celebration in our midst!

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LifeLine organises Breakthrough 2014 camp

DSC_0198KOTA KINABALU – There is a general consensus that many of the young people today seem to be confused with who they are and in discovering their purpose in life. And many times, we find our security in the comfort of the world, only to discover that these are temporal gain, only to find ourselves feeling trapped with the emptiness that fills us after indulging in worldly pleasures, and only to feel unsatisfied with the instant, temporary pleasures that we thought could mask our brokenness inside.

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Stella Maris youth graduate from Bible Class

JWG graduation 2014TANJUNG ARU – 21 students ‘graduated’ from the JWG Bible Class Oct 12.  Most of them have been with the JWG since they were four years old until they reach the final year at 16.

What sustains them coming to Sunday School for 12 years every Sunday except during school break, is their joyful experience of encountering Jesus in their lessons and related activities, in their relationships with the teachers, and with their peers.  It also speaks of their parents’ faithfulness in sending their children year in year out to make sure that their children grow up with their faith firm and well rooted.

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420 attend Hari Warga Kampus-16

DSC_1135KOTA KINABALU – Four hundred and twenty campus students from 8 campuses across Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese converged for the Hari Warga Kampus 16 (HWK16) held Oct 22 at Sacred Heart Parish Hall. The event was organized by Sabah Catholic Student Council (SCSC) and Campus Ministry Office (CMO) of Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese.

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SH SOCCOM organises social media workshop

IMG-20141028-WA0013KOTA KINABALU – Social Communications Committee (SOCCOM), Sacred Heart Cathedral organized a half-day workshop for all pastoral groups under the Sacred Heart Parish at Sacred Heart parish hall Oct 21 to enhance the role of SOCCOM in the parish, as well as to encourage all groups to utilize social media as a way to communicate and evangelize. 100 people attended the workshop, including Archbishop John Wong, Fr Rhobby Mojolou, Deacon Abel Madisang, and other religious sisters.

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MYTC holds 9th Open House Carnival

Datuk Margaret Fung, Organizing Chairperson of the carnival cut the ribbon symbolising the official openig the the eventKINARUT – Montfort Youth Training Centre (MYTC) had just concluded their 9th Open House Carnival which was held at their campus grounds in Kinarut 12 Oct 2014.

It saw participation from all walks of life, from the young and elderly, coming from the nearby vicinities and from as far as Sandakan.  Despite massive floods and bad weather which hit many places within the same week, the generous and compassionate spirit of all who came to help make the event a success was truly inspiring!

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St Simon Church turns 30

DSC_2747KOTA KINABALU: The leader of the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu, Archbishop John Wong, reminded the parishioners of St Simon Catholic Church Likas to contribute their God-given talents to the Church on its 30th anniversary celebration on Oct 26.

The event, which also marked the Church’s sixth year as a parish, was concelebrated with its rector Fr Cosmas Lee.

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Over 200 attend Liturgy Formation seminar

Liturgy Seminar1 (3)INANAM – St Catherine Liturgical Committee organized a half-day formation seminar at the St Catherine’s Church Inanam Oct 18 with a record turnout of 260 participants from Good Shepherd Menggatal and St Catherine Inanam.

This formation seminar is organized on a yearly basis for those parishioners who are involved in the Liturgical Ministry such as catechists, communion ministers, altar boys & girls, lectors, choirs, collectors and in the Hospitality Ministry.

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