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ahdclogoThe Archdiocesan Human Development Commission (AHDC)  is of relatively recent origins.  It began as a committee on 26 July 2003 with Sr Angeline Peter rgs as head.  The meetings were held monthly at the Diocesan Secretariat Office.  However, its office was located on the ground floor of La Salle House Tg Aru.  On 1 Nov 2008, in collaboration with the International Catholic Migrant Office, Stephen Sandor was employed as programme officer, Jenifer Majalap as programme assistant, and Flora James as administrative assistance. The committee was raised to a commission in 2010.  It moved its office temporarily to the Catholic Student Groups Centre (former Shan Tao Primary School) on 29 Sept 2011.  Peter Zeter manned the office from 2010 to 2012.  Sr Anita James fsic has been manning the office since 2013 together with Mira Benjulut (2014).

The Archdiocesan Human development Commission was dissolved in October last year (2020). Therefore, two new archdiocesan Ministries were set up as replacement, namely: Caritas Kota Kinabalu and the Archdiocesan Migrants cum Itinerants Commission.

Archdiocesan Migrants & Itinerants Commission 2020-2023
c/o Catholic Archdiocesan Centre
Jalan Sang Kancil 3, Karamunsing
88300 Kota Kinabalu

Tel: 088-203300,  088-276006, 088-211722
Fax: 088-203292   /
Spiritual Adviser: Fr Ambrose Atang
Head: Mr Dominic Lim

Caritas Kota Kinabalu
c/o Catholic Archdiocesan Centre
Jalan Sang Kancil 3, Karamunsing
88300 Kota Kinabalu

Tel: 088-203300,  088-276006, 088-211722
Fax: 088-203292
Spiritual Adviser: Rev Gilbert Marcus
Head: Sr Anita James FSIC
Tel: 011-14130472

106th WORLD DAY OF MIGRANTS & REFUGEES - 27 September 2020

To follow the “Perayaan Misa Kudus bersama Bapa Uskup Agung John Wong”  sempena sambutan “Hari Migran dan Pengungsi sedunia yang ke 106 tahun” (World Day of Migrants and Refugees), visit the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu Youtube Channel at  

Selamat Menyambut Hari Migran dan Pengungsi Sedunia yang ke 106. Semoga Tuhan memberkati dan melindungi kita semua.

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