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Ever since the Mill Hill Missionaries came to Sabah shore in 1881 and set up schools for the people, the Church has been involved in the educational scene. At the time of independence in 1963, the mission schools were a major means of missionary work reaching out to Catholics and non-Catholics alike.  However, the political change that independence brought along with other factors, resulted in the Church losing control and influence over Catholic mission schools.  An Act of Parliament classified mission schools as “fully assisted schools” which came under the direct control of the Ministry of Education and became part and parcel of the National Education system (100 Years of Good News 1903-2003 Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu, 2004)  Yet all was not lost.  The Church, through the Education Commission (set up in 1971 under PAX) has the power to suggest to the State Educational Ministry the replacement of principals/school heads in the 43 mission schools in the archdiocese.


Catholic Archdiocesan Centre
Jalan Sang Kancil 3, Karamunsing
88300 Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Tel: 088-203300,  088-276006   
Fax: 088-203292

Direct Faxline : 088-711297
Clerk: Adeline Lazarus


Education Commission 2019 – 2021

Spiritual Advisor : Fr. Jalius Sading
Head : Fr. Jalius Sading
Treasurer : Matthew Chong 016-832 7368
Legal Advisor : Jeyan Marimuthu 019-810 6399
Board of Governors : Justin Liew 016-846 3205
Retired/Replacement of School Heads : Marie Yong Pik Hua 019-545 2128
Teachers’ Affairs & Teachers Ministry (Seminar/Conferences) : Winnie Kual 013-888 9999
Training of school Heads : Julia Willie Jock 013-866 3391
Kindergarten (AECEC) : Jennifer Anjik 016-838 0093 Irene Chong 016-819 9008
Federal & State Funds: Marie Yong Pik Hua 019-545 2128
Conferences, Retreats & Seminars : Sr. Rita Chew, Marie Yong, Winnie Kual, Julia Willie Jock
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