The Family Life Commission was established under PAX in 1971. Down the years it has organised seminars on Ovulation Method (1973), Natural Family Planning (1976, 2004), Young Christian Couples Encounter (1996), Marriage Encounter Weekend (1986), Marriage Enrichment Seminar (1999), Familaris Consortio (2002), Family Life and Pastoral Counselling (2002). After the Congress on the Family in 2007, a secretariat was formed to coordinate the activities of the parish family life committees, to look into the revision of the syllabus for pre-marriage course. Two other supporting units have been formed: the Catholic Family Service Centre and the Marriage Tribunal Office, both based in Sacred Heart Parish Centre Karamunsing. The mission of the commission
- To coordinate activities of Family Life Groups in the archdiocese.
- To carry out surveys on Family Life.
- To promote deeper understanding on Family Life and Marriage.
- To provide information and to make recommendations to the Archbishop.
- To assist parishes on matters relating to Family Life Apostolate.
Archdiocesan Secretariat for Family Life
Catholic Archdiocesan Centre
Jalan Sang Kancil 3, Karamunsing
88300 Kota Kinabalu Sabah
Tel: 088-203300, 088-276006
Fax: 088-203292
In-charge: Mr Neil Mah 013-8798415
Family Life Commission 2019-2021
Adviser: Fr Michael Modoit
Head: Sr Suzana Guntabid fsic
Catholic Family Life Counselling Service
Coordinator: Pn Daria Joseph T: 012-8996562
Kota Kinabalu Ecclesiastical Tribunal
Priest in charge : Rev Wilfred Atin
Tel: 088-711009/088-715804
Notaries : Mdm Susan Shee, Mdm Victoria Voon