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ACWL announces new line-up at 33rd Annual Retreat

BUNDU TUHAN – At the Opening Mass of their 33rd Annual Retreat, the new line-up of the Archdiocesan Catholic Women’s League (ACWL) for the new term 2018-2021 was invited to step up to take their oath of service before  Archbishop John Wong.

From across the parishes of the KK Archdiocese, 241 delegates assembled for their 33rd Annual Retreat cum General Meeting with the theme “Catholic Women Spirituality and Mission in Service: To Gather, To Unite, To Pray, To Witness” at the Retreat Centre here on Nov 28 to Dec 1.

 Archbishop John Wong was on hand to launch the Assembly with the Opening Mass. He acknowledged the CWL members for their presence at the Annual Retreat and General Meeting.

He urged the League members to reflect and to understand the theme which they have chosen for this year’s Assembly, putting it into practice by their witnessing for Christ in their service in their respective parish.

The opening ceremony was brightened up by colourful stage presentations by CWL members.

Fr Mattheus Luta, who was the retreat master, gave inspiring talks to the ladies. Included in the retreat was penitential service with personal Confession and Holy Hour. On hand to assist Fr Luta with Confession were Fr Michael Modoit, Fr Thomas Madanan, Fr Maxmillianno Hontor, Fr Mitchelly Kiun, Fr Joshua Liew and Fr Gilbert Marcus.

The Annual General Meeting proceeded on Saturday Dec 1 during which reports were presented and adopted. An open forum with an actively-participated Question-and-Answer session was also held before the Closing Mass. – Anita Tunggolou

Line-up of ACWL for new term 2018-21

Chief coordinator:  Anita Tunggolou

Hon Secretary:  Rosalind Sua

Asst Hon Secretary:  Meiling Rumangon Suking

Regional coordinators:

Kota Kinabalu:  Joan Casius Matanjun

Penampang:  Mary Macdalena Komuji

Dontozidon:  Anastasia Modili

Inanam:  Amelia Laukang

Tuaran:  Maida Josephine Joachim

Kudat:  Annie Jilan

Ranau:  Suzanna Gangku

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