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St Simon Likas organises yearend 4-in-1 celebration

handprint message for Fr from the childrenLIKAS  – The Rector of St Simon Catholic Church Likas, Fr Cosmas Lee, blessed all families during the parish’s end of year celebration to mark four important events in conjunction with the Feast of the Holy Family on 28 Dec 28 2014.

Dubbed the “four-in-one” celebration, the parish community celebrated Fr Cosmas’ 38th sacerdotal ordination anniversary, Feast of the Holy Family, thanksgiving of all ministries and groups as well as children’s Christmas party.

During Mass, Fr Cosmas recalled a prayer he wrote for the family which he said was inspired by “God and the Holy Spirit”. The rector highlighted a line of the prayer, which is centred on the importance of the family as a building block of society:

“Abba, Father, where would we be without our family – where life, where love, where faith in Your Son, Jesus. Without the family, there’s no life, no love, no faith in Jesus our Lord and Saviour.”

He said that the “family in the eternal plan and wisdom of God is truly the building block of all that is good, that is beautiful”, adding that “the readings of the Most Holy Family seem to focus on the role and duties of parents”.

“Little, almost nothing is said about the child. So it is about parenting, putting before us a question: Who truly is a godly father or mother? What’s their role? What should they be doing?”

Fr Cosmas said the role model of faith for parents is Abraham, who trusted in the Lord’s Divine Providence (Gen 15:1-6, 21:1-3), which was portrayed in the first reading on the Feast of the Holy Family.

Later at the parish hall event, the rector highlighted the importance of family again when he blessed all the families: “Bless you families!” He said without the family, ”I wouldn’t be here”.

“Today we focus on God and his wondrous gifts of his vocation for each one of us,” he said, adding that those who have served faithfully in the church should set their eyes on heavenly treasures.

Meanwhile, the Parish Pastoral Council Chairperson Vera Chin, on behalf of the parish community, thanked the Rector for his tireless service for the community and wished him many more years in the service of the Lord!

She recorded grateful thanks to the ministries and groups who had been faithfully serving and to all those who helped prepare the celebration and children’s party.

Vera also expressed special thanks to all those who had offered prayers to Fr Cosmas that were hanged as spiritual gifts on a “prayer tree”, for which the rector expressed his heartfelt gratitude.

Among the highlights of the event include a children’s Christmas party which saw children taking part in face painting, hand-printing and pass-the-parcel game.

Sunday School head, Anne Wong drew attention to the banner, which was presented to Fr Cosmas on stage (pic), and on which the children have left their handprints, along with a message for his 38th anniversary.  – St Simon Church Likas SOCCOM

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