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CWL Tg Aru celebrates 50 years of ministry

TANJUNG ARU – The Catholic Women’s League (CWL) of Stella Maris Tanjung Aru celebrated 50 years of ministry on 17 August 2017.
Archbishop John Wong presided at the Thanksgiving Mass at the parish church. Joining him at the altar were Msgr Primus Jouil, Fathers Moses Lui of Melaka-Johor, James Chia OdeM, and Martin Wong of Kuching.
In his homily, Abp Wong paralleled the Israelites crossing the Jordan River with their crossing of the Reed Sea from Egypt and related it to Christian Baptism. He also stressed on Jesus’ call to forgive from the heart.
Some 500 people attended the dinner at the Shangri-La Tanjung Aru Resort & Spa.
The pioneering status of the CWL Tg Aru was the main theme of the speeches given by Organising Chairperson Theresa William, CWL Tg Aru Chairperson Agnes Delgado, Msgr Primus Jouil, ACWL Chief Coordinator Anita Tunggolou and Abp Wong.
It was mooted in 1967 by Fr Vivian De Souza who saw the need to have a group of dedicated ladies to assist the pastor in looking after the welfare of the church and carrying out fundraising activities. However, the first formal meeting was only held on 26 June 1968 by 29 women. It soon spread to other parishes throughout Sabah.
William has served in the CWL for 34 years, 19 of them being the chairperson.
Mementos were given to past chairpersons, past serving priests, and to the oldest member Nancy Fong after the anniversary cake-cutting ceremony.
A slide show on the CWL history was screened as well.
The attendees were entertained by a variety programme by some groups.