HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
SOCCOM members exhorted to give “good news”

TAWAU – Members of the Holy Trinity Social Communications Committee (SOCCOM) were exhorted to give “good news” to the people.
The exhortation was given by Msgr Nicholas Ong at the Mass marking the 51st World Communication Day on 27 May 2017 at Holy Trinity Church here.
He quoted from Pope Francis’ message for the occasion:
“I would like, then, to contribute to the search for an open and creative style of communication that never seek to glamourise evil but instead to concentrate on solutions and to inspire a positive and responsible approach on the part of its recipients. I ask everyone to offer the people of our time storylines that are at heart ‘good news.’”
Echoing the sentiments of the Holy Father, Msgr Ong said “You must share good news everywhere through your words, actions and the media. The world today offers constant bad news: war, killing, murder, suicide bomber, terrorism and so on. But don’t forget that we are children of the Good News, that is, Jesus Christ Himself.”
He added, “So share your good news with others; of the love, mercy and forgiveness which you have experienced from God. Let the world know and acknowledge that this “good news” offers hope and affirmation. Without God’s love, guidance and protection, we will be without hope.”
SOCCOM members took an active part in the liturgy as presenters of gifts, readers and commentator.
Msgr Ong introduced the SOCCOM members to the parishioners before the Dismissal of Mass, and expressed his gratitude for their hard work and contribution in the dissemination of faith through various forms of media, as well as updating the documentation of parish activities.
SOCCOM Holy Trinity provides voluntary service, including photography, for all church events. The photos are documented and kept in the archives of the parish so that the history of the church could be preserved. Reports of events are channelled to church-based bulletins and websites such as the Diocese of Sandakan News Update (DOSPO), Catholic Sabah and The Herald. – Julita Kantod