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SDYA has some new blood in its commission

SANDAKAN – The Sandakan Diocesan Youth Apostolate (SDYA) has some new blood in its commission when it organised its 20th meeting on 27-28 May 2017.

Twenty-six members took part in the recollection cum meeting at the Pastoral Centre Sandakan.

The new members came from Tawau, Lahad Datu, Beluran, Telupid, Paitan Mission, and Sandakan, including two full-time lay people, a religious sister and a priest.

Since Nov 2016, the apostolate has gone through a transition period of recruiting new members to serve as some existing members have served for over six years since their youth. Now that they are married and with children, they have decided to step down and put their family as a priority.

This has created an opening for new blood to come in, together with several members who have chosen to continue to serve in the apostolate.

Anna Teresa, coordinator of the Apostolate, in her introduction, said that the journey to serve does not always start smoothly.

“It needs the effort of all members to plant seeds of Jesus’ love and mission in your own hearts as youth leaders in your respective parish,” said Anna.

In the recollection, Sister Lilian led the youth to see how old and new members can work together harmoniously, taking the excerpt from Pope Francis’ 32nd WYD message, that the new must learn to appreciate the past, and that youth has the energy while the old has memories and wisdom.

Sr Lilian said that the new members need to know and be familiar with the roots of the Youth Apostolate to enable their journey to continue.

In the meeting on the second day, among topics discussed were guidelines of service, familiarisation of the Apostolate’s organisational chart, youth programmes in each parish and at the diocesan level, and challenges they are facing. SDYA

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