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The 2024 Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese PAX  Assembly

KOTA KINABALU: An inaugural gathering of Catholics from across Malaysia is one step closer to reality with the completion of Pastoral Assembly of the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu.

Known as the PAX  Assembly, the event from Oct 3 to 5 involved 637 delegates comprising the clergy, religious and laity from 23 parishes from as far away as Kudat, Kota Marudu, Ranau and Papar.

The PAX  Assembly is among the steps leading to the first ever Malaysian Pastoral Convention (MPC) scheduled to be held in Johor in September 2026.

The others include the Regional Pastoral Assembly of Peninsula Malaysia held last August, Sarawak last month while the Sabah region meeting to be held in May 2025 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral parish Centre.

The parish centre was also venue of the Archdiocesan PAX  Assembly that saw the delegates deliberating on the four areas of concern – the church, family, ecology and society.

In his keynote address to the delegates, Malaysian prelate Cardinal Sebastian Francis said the upcoming gathering in Johor revolved around three key actions – celebrating, listening and walking together.

He described celebration as an invitation for Catholics to embrace the joy of the Gospel, the mercy of God and the hope of the Holy Spirit.

Cardinal Sebastian noted these themes were not only central to the Pastoral mission but also vital to the Church’s identity and purpose as it moves towards MPC 2026.

The Malaysian prelate described the next part of Catholics’ Pastoral journey of listening as hearing the Gospel and of God’s mercy.

Cardinal Sebastian said listening in this context was not just a passive act but a fundamental aspect of the Church’s   synodal (participatory consultative) process that requires repentance and conversion.

In this regard, he underscored the importance of synodal conversion, where every correction or warning from the Church should be seen as an invitation for repentance and renewal.

Cardinal Sebastian said the walking aspect towards MPC 2026 was essentially a collective pilgrimage for Malaysian Catholics.

He invited the Catholic community to walk together in the joy of the Gospel, in the mercy of God and hope of the Holy Spirit.

Welcoming the delegates, Kota Kinabalu Archbishop John Wong said a way for the Catholic community to walk together was to support and encourage each other with the hope of building a community centred on Jesus Christ.

He noted that the synodal Church advocated by Pope Francis was already being experienced in the Archdiocese.

“It is a Church that prays, listens, analyses, dialogues and makes Pastoral decisions in accordance to God’s will,” Archbishop John said.

He said this has been outlined in the Archdiocese’s Vision and Mission that was inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Cardinal Sebastian Francis (third from right, in red) and Kota Kinabalu Archbishop John Wong (second from right, in grey) with delegates at the 2024 PAX Assembly.
Cardinal Sebastian Francis obliging selfie requests by some PAX Assembly 2024 delegates.
Cardinal Sebastian Francis chatting with some delegates at the 2024 PAX Assembly

By Ruben Sario, SOCCOM ADKK

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