The Kuala Lumpur Archdiocesan and Media Relations Officer, Ms Patricia …

Banns of Sacerdotal Ordination
HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend Datuk John Wong Soo Kau DD, Archbishop of Kota Kinabalu, has agreed to ordain to the Order of Priesthood the following deacons, at the following venues and on the following dates and times:
1) Deacon Sylvester Wong Vun Cheong
Venue: Sacred Heart Cathedral, Karamunsing
Date: 24 June 2022
Time: 10.00 am
2) Deacon Terans Thadeus
Venue: Holy Rosary Church, Limbahau
Date: 16 July 2022
Time: 10.00 am
3) Deacon Lasius Gantis
Venue: Sacred Heart Church, Inobong
Date: 4 August 2022
Time: 10.00 am
4) Deacon Peter Chung Pit Soon
Venue: St John Church, Tuaran
Date: 22 August 2022
Time: 10.00 am
Canon Law obliges Catholics to reveal any impediment or circumstances that would prevent the above candidates from receiving Sacred Orders and should contact the Office of the Archbishop @ 088-211722, or the parish priest at the respective parish offices, with such information as soon as possible.
Let us offer our prayerful support for these ordinandi as they prepare for presbyteral ministry to serve the People of God in the Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu.
Let us pray for more vocations to the priesthood. God bless our Archdiocese.
Released by:
Office of Archbishop John Wong
Archdiocese of Kota Kinabalu
Pengumuman Pentahbisan Imamat
SETELAH konsultasi bersama Badan Penasihat, Uskup Agung John Wong Soo Kau DD, di Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu, telah bersetuju untuk mentahbis diakon-diakon ini ke dalam Jabatan Imamat, di tempat berikut, pada tarikh dan masa:
1) Diakon Sylvester Wong Vun Cheong
Tempat: Katedral Hati Kudus, Karamunsing
Tarikh: 24 Jun 2022
Masa: 10.00 am
2) Diakon Terans Thadeus
Tempat: Gereja Holy Rosary, Limbahau
Tarikh: 16 Julai 2022
Masa: 10.00 am
3) Diakon Lasius Gantis
Tempat: Gereja Sacred Heart, Inobong
Tarikh: 4 Ogos 2022
Masa: 10.00 am
4) Diakon Peter Chung Pit Soon
Tempat: Gereja St John, Tuaran
Tarikh: 22 Ogos 2022
Masa: 10.00 am
Hukum Kanonik mewajibkan umat Katolik untuk mendedahkan sebarang halangan atau keadaan yang menghalang calon-calon di atas daripada menerima Orde Suci, dan harus menghubungi Pejabat Uskup Agung @ 088-211722, atau paderi paroki yang berkenaan, dengan maklumat tersebut dengan kadar segera.
Marilah kita memberi sokongan doa kepada para calon sementara mereka mempersiapkan diri untuk pelayanan imamat di dalam Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu.
Marilah juga kita berdoa untuk lebih banyak panggilan kepada kepaderian. Tuhan memberkati Keuskupan Agung kita.
Dikeluarkan oleh:
Pejabat Uskup Agung John Wong
Keuskupan Agung Kota Kinabalu
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