God is with us in this prolonged storm
KUALA LUMPUR: Most Rev Julian Leow Beng Kim, the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, has called on Catholics to join him in a Holy Hour on Thursday, July 15 at 9.00pm to pray for deliverance in these trying times.
In a pastoral letter released on July 9, Archbishop Leow voiced his concern about the worryingly elevated number of daily COVID-19 infections and the increasing daily deaths, despite the lockdowns. The continued restrictions have affected livelihoods and brought about social, emotional, and psychological issues across all levels of society.
Archbishop Leow has called upon everyone to put their political rivalries aside and come together as united Malaysians to combat this pandemic.
In ending, Archbishop Leow has called on everyone to pray the rosary, meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His victory over sin and death on the cross deliver us from this time of trial.
See below for the full text of the message.
“Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” (Psalm 23:4)
My dear people of God,
With each passing day, we are confronted with a sustained and worrying threat that moves me to write this pastoral letter to you out of deep concern.
We read of the relentless COVID-19 pandemic and its gripping consequences – higher number of daily new cases and distressing death rates, particularly in the state of Selangor, despite the extended movement restrictions. More than ever before, we also witness the bitter truth and cruel impacts on the poor and the vulnerable, children included.
Beyond economic effects, the deep social, emotional, and psychological wellbeing of many is alarmingly compromised.
What is already agonising on so many fronts is further compounded by the current political instability – when instead it should be a time to put political rivalries aside and come together as united Malaysians to combat this pandemic.
These gruelling disruptions have caused tremendous fear and anxiety, tending to move people into a state of helplessness and hopelessness.
I know that this bleak backdrop does not seem to offer even a flicker of hope that the end is around the corner. Yet, against this very backdrop, what remains unchanged is that we are a people grounded in the faith that God is always with us — yes, even in this prolonged storm.
The growing number of individuals, Churches and organisations which are responding to human needs is indeed a sign that God is with us, and that humanity can and will prevail when faced with hardships and challenges.
I write to you today in these troubling and uncertain times to remind and assure you of this unshakeable promise — that ‘even though we walk through the darkest valley, we will fear no evil, for God is with us’ (cf. Psalm 23:4).
With all the good that is happening on the ground, let us be mindful that persistent prayer will anchor us in the realisation that we are not alone.
Remembering the words of Jesus, “Come to me, all you who labour and are overburdened, and I will give you rest” (Matt 11:28), I invite all Catholics in the Archdiocese of Kuala Lumpur to join me and be united in praying online before the Blessed Sacrament on Thursday, July 15, 2021 from 9.00pm – 10.00pm.
In addition, on Friday July 16, 2021 (Memorial of Our Lady of Mount Carmel), let us together invoke the intercession of Mary, Mother of the Divine Physician. As individuals or families, in your own homes, make a conscious effort to pray the rosary, meditating on the Sorrowful Mysteries of our Lord Jesus Christ. May His victory over sin and death on the cross deliver us from this time of trial.
Acknowledging that God is in perfect control and that He has the power to change our lives, let us all ‘pray without ceasing’. May God’s continued protection remain with you and your loved ones.
United in prayer, I remain,
+ Most Rev Julian Leow Beng Kim DD
Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur
July 9, 2021
SOURCE: Herald Malaysia Online
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