In his message for the 58th World Day of Social…

Pope’s invitation to pray the ‘Our Father’ together and his Urbi et orbi blessing
On Wednesday (7:00PM Malaysian Time), 25 March, the feast of the Annunciation, he has invited “the Heads of the Churches and the leaders of every Christian community, together with all Christians of the various confessions, to invoke the Almighty, the omnipotent God, to recite at the same time the prayer that Jesus, our Lord, taught us” – the Our Father. “On that day on which many Christians recall the Annunciation to the Virgin Mary of the Incarnation of the Word”, Pope Francis prayed, “may the Lord listen to the united prayer of all of His disciples who are preparing themselves to celebrate the victory of the Risen Christ”.

The Pope also announced that on Friday, 27 March (Malaysian Time Saturday, 1 am on 28 March 2020), he will preside over a moment of prayer on the sagrato of St Peter’s Basilica. “I invite everyone to participate spiritually through the means of communication”, he said. The Church grants special indulgence to coronavirus patients and caregivers.
The ceremony will consist of readings from the Scriptures, prayers of supplication, and adoration of the Blessed Sacrament; and will conclude with Pope Francis giving the Urbi et orbi Blessing, with the possibility of gaining a plenary indulgence for all those who listen to it live through the various forms of communication. The blessing “to the City [of Rome] and to the World” is normally only given on Christmas and Easter.
The Director of the Holy See Press Office noted that the plenary indulgence attached to the Urbi et orbi blessing is subjected to the conditions foreseen by the recent Decree of the Apostolic Penitentiary. Click to read full text
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