HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Great faith knows no bounds

KIRONGGU, Inanam – Great faith knows no bounds when believers come together to knock on God’s doors!
The unabated prayer of the Catholic community in Kironggu in the district of Inanam for some land to build a new chapel to replace their old chapel that had to be dismantled 15 years ago finally bore fruit.
In 2017, former catechist Joanes Gubud came forward to offer 0.75 acres of his land for the construction of the new chapel. Further blessing came on the community when philanthropist Datuk Victor Paul responded to their hour of need and paid for the construction of the new chapel which was completed in September 2018.
More than 300 parishioners witnessed the blessing and officiating of the new St Michael’s Chapel by Fr David Sham, parish priest of St Catherine Church on Sep 29.
Present for the historic occasion were assistant priests, Fr Matheus Luta and Fr Mitchelly Kiun, Fr Paul Lo, former assistant priest of St Catherine, and Kenny Chua, Assistant Minister of Finance cum State Assemblyman for N13 Inanam.
The newly blessed chapel was constructed at the cost of RM50K, excluding its extended open hall which was funded through donations. The chapel can accommodate 120 parishioners, and another 100 in the extended space.
The old chapel, which was built on private land owned by the late Linus Sapidang in 1983, has been dismantled some time in 2003 when its neighboring land was converted into palm oil plantation.
Although the chapel was dismantled, the Catholic community, estimated to be around 350, continues to thrive with regular gatherings, meetings, gotong-royong, rosary prayer in May and October, and other church activities during the seasons of Lent and Advent. – Michael Guntili