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PMS mission directors to animate regional missionary activities

BUNDU TUHAN – The Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) of the Dioceses of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei met at the Retreat Centre here on Jul 25-26, 2018, which was attended by nine Diocesan mission directors together with Kuching Archbishop Simon Poh, as the Episcopal adviser for PMS.

This coming together of the mission directors annually enables them to organize and animate missionary activities in this region. This is also an opportune time for the National Director to disseminate news and information that he received from the PMS General Assembly in Rome in late May.

The PMS consist of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith, Society of St Peter the Apostle, Society of Holy Childhood and Society of Missionary Union of Priests and Religious.

The Pontifical Mission Societies have, as their primary purpose, the promotion of a universal missionary spirit – a spirit of prayer and sacrifice – among all baptized Catholics.

The first three Societies, in carrying out that goal, invite baptized Catholics to express their missionary commitment by offering their prayers, personal sacrifices and financial support for the work of the Church in the Missions.

The Missionary Union of Priests and Religious works to deepen mission awareness among priests, religious, catechists and educators so that they are fully prepared to take on the mission formation of the faithful.

With the Malaysian Catholic Clergy Assembly (MCCA) just round the corner (Jul 16-20), Archbishop Simon Poh pointed out that the whole thrust of the MCCA is missionary in nature.   This, he said, explains the subsidy from PMS for the MCCA.

The Archbishop also mentioned in his opening address that as clergy, one is in an important position to witness to the Gospel which can bring about change in the society.

The meeting highlighted on the Extraordinary Missionary Month October 2019 (EMM Oct 2019) announced by Pope Francis in October 2017, of his intention to call an Extraordinary Missionary Month for October 2019 to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud issued by his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI, which he said should be a great opportunity to renew the missionary commitment throughout the Church.

As such, proposals of initiatives to be planned for the local Church would be submitted to the Bishops’ Conference for approval.

The directors were very grateful to KK prelate Archbishop John Wong for his support and generosity in hosting this year’s PMS annual gathering. – Contributed by PMS National Director Fr Victor Louis Gnanapragasam


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