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CBC-MSB elects new heads for three commissions

L-R: Ms Angila Yong (cbsmsb secretary), Abp Julian Leow, Bp Cornelius Piong, Bp Julius Gitom, Abp John Wong, Abp William Goh, Bp Sebastian Francis, Bp Bernard Paul, Bp Joseph Hii, Bp Richard Ng, Bp Cornelius Sim, Abp Simon Poh

MAJODI, Plentong – Members of the Catholic Bishops Conference of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei elected new heads for three regional episcopal commissions at their meeting here on 10-14 July 2018.

The new office bearers for term 2019-2020 were Bishop Cornelius Sim of Brunei for the Biblical Commission, Bishop Cornelius Piong of Keningau for the Pastoral Health Care Commission, and Archbishop Julian Leow of Kuala Lumpur for the Malaysian Catechetical Commission.

The other office bearers remain the same:

President: Bishop Sebastian Francis (Penang)
Vice President: Bishop Cornelius Sim
Treasurer: Bishop Bernard Paul (Melaka-Johor)
Hon Secretary: Archbishop William Goh (Singapore)

Consecrated Life: Archbishop William Goh
Diocesan Priests & Seminaries: Bishop Richard Ng (Miri)
Ecumenism & Inter-Faith Affairs: Archbishop Julian Leow
Family, Laity & Life: Archbishop John Wong (Kota Kinabalu)(Family & Life), Bishop Julius Gitom (Sandakan)(Laity)
Youth/Campus Ministry: Archbishop Simon Poh (Kuching)
Liturgy: Bishop Sebastian Francis
New Evangelisation: Archbishop Simon Poh
Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS): Archbishop Simon Poh
Pastoral Care of Migrants & Itinerants: Bishop Bernard Paul
Creation Justice: Bishop Joseph Hii (Sibu)
Social Communications: Bishop Cornelius Sim
Malaysian Catholic Education Council: Archbishop Julian Leow
Apostleship of the Sea: Archbishop William Goh
Federation of Asian Bishops Conferences (FABC): Bishop Sebastian Francis
FABC-Office of Theological Concerns (FABC-OTC): Archbishop William Goh
FABC-Office of Evangelisation (FABC-OE): Archbishop Simon Poh

The bishops meet twice a year (January & July) to discuss various aspects of the life of the Church in the region, and especially the challenges it faces. From their deliberations, common action to revitalise the Church would be evolved in order to render the Church more effective in its service to the members and to the society at large. – Executive Secretary, CBC-MSB

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