KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…
23 catechists make it to level two of ongoing formation course

PURAK, Papar – Twenty-three catechists made it to level two of the ongoing formation course for catechists organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetical Commission at Pace Bene Formation Centre here on 8-26 July 2018.
They had participated in the first level last year.
Among the topics given were Bioethics, Vatican II Documents (Fr Michael Modoit), Canon Law (Fr Rudolp Joannis), Joy of the Gospel (Fr Nicholas Stephen), Catechism of the Catholic Church (Sr Patsy Limun fsic), Ecclesiology, Church Social Teaching (Dominic Lim), Evangelisation (Sr Grace Deosing fsic), Salvation History, Pastoral Applications (Fr Paul Lo).
Aside from the inputs, the participants were also sent to help out at the outstation chapels of Papar and Limbahau during the weekends.
Archbishop John Wong presided at the concluding Mass followed by the certificate presentation to the participants on July 26.