KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
153 receive First Holy Communion on Corpus Christi Sunday
PAPAR – One hundred and fifty-three children (74 boys, 79 girls) received their First Holy Communion
at St Joseph’s Church here on 3 June 2018, Corpus Christi Sunday.
In his homily, Father Thomas Yip said that it is “not our physical states that matter in life, but as in the gospel, the Eucharistic communion and His command, ’do this in memory of me’, a sign that Christ shall remain in our lives forever and His sacrifice as the Lamb of God is also the sign of love of Christ to us all.”
After the post-communion prayer, the congregation led by the pastor, altar servers, extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion, Parish Pastoral Council members, first communicants, groups and ministries carrying their banners proceeded to a procession of the blessed sacrament accompanied by the togungak music.
The congregation also paused at each of the four stations located around the compound of the church for brief adoration prayer before returning to the church for the closing prayers.
After Mass and procession, the first communicants had their lunch and received their certificates a the Fr John Tsung Hall. – William Charles Mindus (SOCCOM Papar)