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SHC celebrates Mass for the Sick as part of parish feast day programme

Father Paul Lo anoints the hands of John Chin, an elderly parishioner, at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing in conjunction with the parish feast day on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart, 8 June 2018.

KOTA KINABALU – Sacred Heart Cathedral here celebrated Mass for its sick and elderly as part of the week-long parish fiesta programme on 8 June 2018, Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.

The Rite of Anointing of the Sick took place after the homily by Archbishop John Wong and his assistants, Father Paul Lo, Father Max Hontor, and Father Joshua Liew.  Deacon Russell Lawrine assisted at the altar.

The cathedral parish celebrates this Mass twice a year since 2015: World Day of the Sick on February 11 (Our Lady of Lourdes) and on the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart.

The Anointing of the Sick is a sacrament of the Church for those whose health is seriously impaired by sickness or old age. It is a source of healing for the sick rather than the final act of the church for the dying.

The sacrament enables the sick or aged person to be anointed with the oil of the sick, to experience the healing and strength of Jesus Christ and to be supported by a praying community.

The sacrament may be celebrated during Mass, or at a hospital or nursing home, or in the person’s home. It is a celebration of the church where members of the church offer those who are sick the support of faith and prayer.

The sacrament is celebrated with the sick, with old people, and with sick children if they have sufficient understanding. The sacrament is not administered to anyone who has already died. Prayers for the Dead are prayed for the deceased.

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