KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…
Over 270 receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Pentecost Day

KOTA KINABALU – Over 270 candidates received the Sacrament of Confirmation at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here on Pentecost Day, 20 May 2018.
The 274 confirmands came from the four-language classes: English (SHC 90, CMI 31), Chinese 53, BM (Sunday School 46, RCIA 51), Sign Language 3.
In his homily, Archbishop John Wong warned the confirmands of the three enemies they have encountered and will continue to encounter: a) the lack of self-acceptance; b) the world (worldly values); and c) the devil; but told them that it is only through the help of the Holy Spirit that they will be able to withstand these enemies.
After the confirmands had renewed their Baptismal promises, he conferred the Sacrament on them, assisted by Father Paul Lo, Father Maxmillianno Hontor, and Father Joshua Liew, to whom he delegated the power to confer the sacrament for that occasion only. Deacon Russell Lawrine was on hand to assist at the altar.
After the Mass, the confirmands with their godparents, parents or other family members adjourned to the parish hall for a time of fellowship. They were joined by the 200 neophytes (baptised during the Easter Vigil Mar 31 or Easter Sunday Apr 1).
Jason Joenoi, chairman of the parish pastoral council, welcomed them and invited them to join the different groups, communities, and ministries for their spiritual growth.
In his address, Abp Wong gave them his signature 12 Words in four phrases of three words: 1. Read the Word; 2. Receive the Sacraments; 3. Obey the Commandments; and 4. Share the Word.
After dinner, representatives from the Chinese and BM neophytes entertained those present with stage performances before the neophytes and confirmands received their gifts and certificates from the parish.