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26 participate in basic catechists course

The participants pose with their certificates and the organisers after the closing Mass, 28 Apr 2018, Emmanus Home Karamunsing.

KOTA KINABALU – Twenty-six budding catechists attended the BM basic course for catechists at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre here on 9-28 Apr 2018.

The participants – mostly young and new – came from different parishes in the archdioceses with two from Paitan Mission in Sandakan Diocese.

In its second year, the course is first of a three-level course organised by the Archdiocesan Catechetical Commission headed by Franciscan Sister Dariah Ajap, assisted by Sister Imelda Angang.

Aside from several inputs (catechist’s vocation, spirituality, CCC, Liturgy, Mariology, homiletics, Bible, leadership, evangelisation), the participants also went to the outstation chapels to help out on two Sundays as part of their practicum.

Father Nicholas Stephen, adviser to the commission,  presided at the closing Mass Apr 28 at the Emmaus Home chapel, followed by the presentation of attendance certificates to the participants and ended with lunch at the parish canteen.

Level II will be held on July 8-27 while Level III will be on Sept 9-28, also at the Sacred Heart Parish Centre.


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