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Indonesian priest shares on BECs with Papar parishioners

Cake-cutting ceremony by Father Thomas Yip, Romo Eduardo Raja, Sister Juanah and others at the Easter gathering, Fr John Tsung Hall Papar, 7 Apr 2018.

PAPAR – Indonesian priest Romo (Rev) Eduardo Raja of Ende Archdiocese Flores gave a sharing on Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs or Komuniti Kristian Dasar [KKD]) to Papar parishioners on 7 Apr 2018 at the Fr John Tsung Hall St Joseph Parish here.

The sharing was given during the Easter gathering after the Sunset Mass.

In his welcoming speech, PPC chairman Johnny Sitamin thanked the parishioners for their participation during the Holy Week celebrations,  Romo Eduardo’s ministry to the Indonesian migrant and local communities at the outstation chapels and estates in Papar and Limbahau.

In his sharing, the visiting priest told his audience that the Ende BECs (or Komunitas Umat Basis or KUB as it is known in Indonesia) were started in the 1950s under the Congregation of Santa Maria and became an official body in the 1980s, providing prayer services with gospel reading and reflections,  spiritual and economic community services.

Since 1987, the KUB has become a centre of generating and collecting ideas and discussion platform in dealing with all aspects of lives and thereafter stamped its direct involvement in pastoral activities.

The priest said the KKD works best in smaller groups of 10-20 Catholic families living in a neighbourhood that  know each other well, meeting weekly, praying, reading and sharing the Gospel, celebrating the Eucharist, sharing problems encountered,  and  searching for possible solutions to these problems.

Romo Eduardo stressed the need for all the BECs to work together in ensuring that pastoral faith formation and development are in line with the archdiocesan vision and mission.

Prior to this sharing, the audience witnessed the Easter cake cutting led by Father Thomas Yip and rendition of the blessed birthday and congratulation songs accompanied by the choirs, parish pastoral councillors, catechist, Sister Juanah Saliun and her novices, and the parishioners. – William Charles Mindus (SOCCOM Papar)

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