KOTA KINABALU – The religious men and women of Kota…
CMI English altar servers attend formation session

KOTA KINABALU – Eight boys serving at the English Mass of the Church of Mary Immaculate Bukit Padang attended the first formation session at the Daughters of St Paul Convent here on 27 Jan 2018.
The session, conducted by Pauline Sister Laura Anggie and Matthew Ian, 23, who works as a pilot in a local company, dealt with the history, role, and function of the altar ministry.
Follow up session on Feb 10 will touch on understanding the sacred objects and vestments while the third session on March 17 will be a practicum on understanding the liturgy, the principle of ceremony during a solemnity, a feast, a memorial and an optional memorial.
Commissioning of the altar servers – with ages ranging from 12 to 23 – will be done at the 9 am Mass on Sunday Mar 18.