KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Franciscan novice makes first profession of religious vows
PURAK, Papar – A novice of the Franciscan Sisters of the Immaculate Conception made her first profession of religious vows while six juniors renewed their vows at the novitiate chapel at the Convent of St Mary of the Angels here on 20 Jan 2018.
Archbishop John Wong presided at the Eucharistic Celebration with the Rite of First Profession, concelebrated with Father Wiandigool Runsab, Father Rayner Bisius and Father Aloysius Fidelis, chaplain of the novitiate house as well as of the nearby Holy Family Residence for Senior Citizens run by the order.
In his homily the presider said that based on the readings of the day (Sat of 2nd Week in Ordinary Time), one must have passion for the mission like Jesus no matter what others may think.
Novice Bevelly Colin of Kiulu then professed the vows of chastity, poverty, and obedience for a year before Superior General Sister Frances Mani, who accepted the vows, which was witnessed by Sister Grace Deosing and Sister Maria Banting.
After doing so, the neo-professed changed into the habit of the congregation, signifying a new status, that of a temporary professed member of the institute. She is now Sister Bevelly. After the change of attire, the presider presented her with the Rule and Life of the Order Regular of St Francis.
The rite ended with a sign of peace and welcome from the Superior General and her council, the Directress of Novices, the concelebrants. The neo-professed also gave the sign of peace to her parents.
Born on 6 Apr 1993, Bevelly is the second child in a brood of five girls and one boy born to Colin Runsab (brother of Fr Wiandigool) and Impenetty Camilus of Kiulu. Some of them including her grandmother came to witness her first profession.
After the Rite of First Profession, six junior professed renewed their vows before Sr Frances: Sisters Anita Philip and Jossekah Disius for two years; Sisters Clarice George, Edna Yukun, Ranni Duanis and Celadiana Jikulis for a year.
After the Mass, Sr Frances announced that Sr Bevelly would be sent to the community of St Clare in Tawau. She also took the opportunity to convey the congregation’s warm wishes to Fr Aloysius on his 61st birthday that day and to Abp Wong on his 19th priestly anniversary the following day (Jan 21).
Those who attended the event – around 150 – mostly fellow religious, family members and relatives, Secular Franciscans and friends – adjourned to the dining hall for a fellowship lunch.