HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
KK High School organises seminar for Catholic students

KOTA KINABALU – Kota Kinabalu High School (KK High School) ogranised a faith-deepening seminar for the Catholic students on 27 Nov 2017 at the school hall.
Sixty students – mostly Form Five – attended the seminar.
The main speakers were Franciscan Sister Dora Obod and Ms Imelda from the Archdiocesan Youth Commission and Father Paul Lo of Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing.
The objective of the seminar was to help soon-to-be school leavers to deepen their faith so that they will still attend Mass when they leave home.
Sr Dora and Imelda handled the first session on the meaning of Mass. The sister led the students to reflect on their blessings and their purpose in life while Imelda shared her experiences as a student.
In his session, Fr Lo explained the important areas of Catholic Apologetics. This was followed by a question and answer session.
He urged the students to truly understand the faith they are embracing and to live it out. In that way, only then can they answer any questions with a strong conviction and firm belief. – Grace Phan Yiing Ling