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CMI-CLOW celebrates 19th anniversary with Mass and fellowship

BUKIT PADANG – The Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) ministry of the Church of Mary Immaculate (CMI) here celebrated its 19th anniversary on 12 Nov 2017.
The celebration has become the sub parish’s annual children’s Mass with children taking part in the choir and the Presentation of Gifts.
Archbishop John Wong presided at the Mass. A simple fellowship took place at the canteen after the Mass.
CLOW managed to raise RM425.00 for the Catholic Centre building project through the sale of coffee, cakes, and pastries.
Entertaining the children, parents, and members of the Parish Pastoral Council were two young girls: 7-year-old Angelina Liew’s recital of the Parable of the Good Samaritan by heart while Caelan Sham, 9, sang and played two songs on her ukulele.
The ministry started on 22 Nov 1998, Solemnity of Christ the King, under Rose Chu with the consent of then-pastor Father Cosmas Lee. The first facilitators were Janet Lee, Catherine Kung, Vera Kung, Stephanie Chin, Janet Ho, and Victoria Voon.
In 1973, the Congregation for Divine Worship promulgated the Directory for Masses with Children. This document offers principles and guidelines for adapting the liturgy for children so that they may gradually take a more active and conscious part in the full Eucharistic assembly. The Directory attempts to respect the nature of childhood and the age and abilities of the young.
The priest calls the children (pre-first communicants) forward, before the first reading, to listen to God’s word at an adapted Liturgy of the Word, blesses the leader and hands the Lectionary for Masses with Children to the leader, who processes with the children to a separate place (chapel). As the children are sent forth, the liturgical musicians lead the assembly in singing a suitable song.
The children and leader exit down the main aisle, singing in procession until they reach the chapel to continue the Liturgy of the Word with Children. The Liturgy of the Word continues as usual for the main assembly. Children then return during the collection of the offering and participate with their parents and caregivers in the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
CLOW is a part of the entire parish’s worship, not a separate “children’s time”. It is considered as an extension of the Mass itself.