HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
Stella Maris holds inaugural assembly to formulate parish vision and mission

TANJUNG ARU – Stella Maris parish here held an inaugural assembly to formulate the vision and mission for the parish on 26 Aug 2017.
The assembly consisted of 72 delegates representing 30 parish ministries and groups.
The assembly began with Bible enthronement by Father Peter Abas.
Dominic Lim enlightened the parishioners on the importance of a parish vision. He emphasised that the process of formulation among the parishioners is important. The ‘why and how’ that would arise from the formulation would give a clearer direction for the parish and her future leaders.
This was followed by ten small discussion groups who came up with a first draft which later was clustered by five main groups to further crystalise the vision.
With the intervention of the Holy Spirit, the main groups consented unanimously to the proposed Vision.
Fr Abas was confident that the parishioners of Stella Maris could formulate a well-defined vision led by the Holy Spirit. He said the next move is to work on the mission once the vision is approved by the parish priest. The mission session would be held on 30 Sept 2017.