HAVING consulted the College of Consultors, His Grace Most Reverend…
KKIP church to operate its own tadika next year

INANAM – Divine Mercy Church KKIP which will be officially blessed and open by Archbishop John Wong on 21 Oct 2017 will operate its own tadika (kindergarten) next year.
A total of 60 students have enrolled so far for this new tadika. This was disclosed by Father David Sham, pastor of St Catherine Inanam.
Fr Sham informed the parishioners that there are altogether six tadikas in operation early this year. Out of the six, two come directly under the care of St Catherine Church, while three are under the sub-parish of Good Shepherd Manggatal and one under Holy Family Telipok.
At the fundraising dinner in aid of these tadikas on 3 Sept 2017 at the Port View Palace, Dewan Hakka Likas, Fr Sham said that out of the six tadikas, only Tadika Sinar Sukacita of St Catherine Church is self-financing with 117 students and five management staff.
The other tadikas can hardly pay for the teachers’ remunerations due to insufficient students. The plight of running the tadika runs deeper as many of the parents are unable to pay for their children’s school fees in full, which necessitates public support for these tadikas.
Fr Sham then urged the parents to give full support to the Catholic Mission Tadika as their children are the future of the church.
Over 1000 people attended the dinner including Abp Wong, priests, religious, and well-wishers from several companies and other individuals. – Michael Guntili