KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Rosary and Mass mark the Pilgrim Virgin’s visit to Taman Sinar
KOTA KINABALU – Rosary recitation and Mass marked the Pilgrim Virgin’s visit to Taman Sinar Luyang here on 12 Oct 2017.
In May and October, the Parish Family Pastoral Network (PFPN) of Sacred Heart Cathedral Kota Kinabalu organises daily block rosary and weekly Friday Mass in the different tamans or housing estates within the boundaries of Sacred Heart Cathedral Parish.
Another activity is the two-week Advent Family Visits in early December.
Being the centenary of the Fatima apparitions (1917-2017), the Pilgrim Virgin statue visits different families each night (except the weekends) in the different housing estates in October.
At each visit, the parishioners staying around that area gather in one house, praying the rosary for peace and conversion of sinners. Sometimes, it culminates with a Mass by one of the pastors of the parish.
Father Joshua Liew presided at the Mass following the recitation of the rosary at the home of Agatha Yap in Taman Sinar.
Several parishioners staying within the vicinity as well as friends participated in the event and joined in the fellowship after Mass.