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ASSISS Sabah conducts inaugural mobile clinic mission

Dr Michael Raj treats one of the patients, Kg Timpangoh Sugud, 23 July 2017.

SUGUD, Penampang – The Assunta Integrated Social Services Sabah (ASSISS Sabah) conducted its inaugural mobile clinic mission at Kg Timpangoh here on 23 July 2017.

The team consisted of some 22 volunteers including four doctors and Sister Elizabeth Tan of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary Petaling Jaya.

Doctor Michael Raj, head of the Catholic Doctors Association, gave a health talk to the 100 people who came before services began at the hut below St Benedict’s Church.

In this first mission, the doctors were able to treat 78 patients from 10 am to 2 pm.  The mobile clinic will return to Kg Timpangoh every third Sunday of the month.

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