KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Limbahau marks combined priestly and religious jubilees with a simple celebration
LIMBAHAU – Parishioners of Holy Rosary (HRL) here marked the silver jubilee of Father Aloysius Fidelis and the diamond jubilees of Franciscan Sisters Regina Majakil and Rosalind Thien with a joint simple celebration on 27 May 2017.
Archbishop John Wong presided over the Mass. Joining him and the silver jubilarian at the altar were Fathers Paul Mikin of Keningau (classmate), Jerome Juleng of Kuching (classmate), Ambrose Atang, Thomas Yip and Thomas Madanan.
Over 300 people attended the event including members of Papar and Limbahau Pastoral Councils, family members and relatives of the jubilarians, Superior General Sister Grace Deosing, and members of the Franciscan Sisters of Immaculate Conception.
In his homily, Abp Wong remarked that the three jubilarians are “still full of zeal” after 25 years in the priesthood and 60 years in the religious life respectively.
He said, “They are a model to us all and we must always open our heart and accept God’s presence in our lives, and through our lives, we can evangelise God’s good news to others. Thanks be to God for their ministerial and religious vocations.”
In turn, HRL-PPC chairman Sylvester Joseph Gunsoi thanked God for being able to host the combined silver and diamond jubilee celebration during the Fatima centenary. He likened the jubilarians to the three seers – Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta – which drew laughter from the audience. He invited the faithful to pray for the parish youth that they may answer God’s call to the priestly and religious life.
Seeing that the jubilarians live in Purak – Fr Aloysius as chaplain of the Holy Family Residence for Senior Citizens where Sr Regina is also residing, and Sr Rosalind at Pace Bene – the parish decided to organise a combined celebration in recognition of their presence and service to the church.
After the Mass, all adjourned to the parish hall for a simple reception and entertainment by various groups.
Born on 20 Jan 1957, Aloysius was ordained priest on 13 June 1992. He served in Kota Kinabalu, Dontozidon and Penampang before taking a diploma in spirituality at the Angelicum in Rome in 2001.Upon his return, he served in Ranau, Telupid before being assigned as parish priest of Limbahau and Papar for eight years (2006-2014). He then served in Tanjung Aru, Kepayan and Labuan before his assignment in Purak in 2015.
Sr Regina (Noemi Majakil Tendahal) was born on 15 Nov 1935 in Kg Mahau Limbahau. She entered the congregation in 1954, took her first profession on 11 Feb 1957 and made her final vows on 15 Aug 1962.
Three years younger than her fellow jubilarian, Sr Rosalind (Mary Thien Siew Yun) was born in
Tenom 0n 17 Apr 1938. She entered the local congregation in 1955 but took her first vows on 4 Oct 1957 and final vows on 20 Dec 1962.