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Tawau PPC organises recollection for members

TAWAU – The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) of Holy Trinity Church here organised a short recollection at the parish centre on 4 Mar 2017 for its members. It began with a Eucharistic celebration, which was presided by Father Philip Muji.

Fr Muji, in his homily, stressed on the importance of spiritual food to all ministers of the church especially the PPC members, for them to grow in wisdom and be enlightened in order to serve the parish.

“Your concern for the current issues is also very important so that you can evaluate and do something to protect our faith from being corrupted by irresponsible ideologies. Pray for strength and inspiration from God so that you will be granted the knowledge and wisdom that will accompany you in your service to the church,“ said Fr Muji.

Three main topics were presented: 1) Leadership in Serving, 2) Serving with Love, and 3) Sustaining the Spirit of Leadership.

Mario Domingo, speaking on Leadership in Serving,  explained that serving the church means they are servants of Christ who bring the people of God into the awareness of the presence of God by the humble offering of themselves in service in daily life.

“It is not about power or authority, but about how others see Christ in us and in our action,” said Domingo.

Serving with Love was presented by Franciscan Sister Julita Joseph, who sees ‘serving’ as an act that is free from coercion, encouraging, caring, loving, and comforting.

She said,  “It is very different when we complete a work that ends in tiredness and dissatisfaction because we are being forced to do it, and not out of our willingness and honesty. A true and pure action, coming from the heart and soul, is always uplifting and full of peace and satisfaction. Serving the Lord is therefore not a job to accomplish, but that the love of Christ be reflected through us.”

Seminarian Arthur John, touching on Sustaining the Spirit of Leadership in Serving, stressed that understanding and discerning one’s call as a leader in the church is also important. “Being positive and creative in leadership contributes to a sense of confidence, attentiveness, calmness and prudence in leading, which in turn provides the spirit of serving in faithfulness.” said John.

After the inputs, participants were encouraged to share their reflections on the fruits of service they have experienced in themselves, as well as in others.

Other points for reflection were to examine whether Christ’s love is the foundation or model of their service towards others, and their aspiration to be servants of Christ who serve without expecting anything in return.

“Actions not born out of the wisdom and love of God do not benefit God’s Kingdom. Serving the Church is equivalent to serving God,” said a participant.

The recollection ended with the paraliturgyy of foot washing as a symbol of humble service to one another as shown by Jesus, the model of servanthood. – Julita Kantod

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