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INSAN-5 draws 56 participants

BUNDU TUHAN – INSAN-5 drew 56 participants from 13 parishes.

The annual formation programme for Parish Human Development Committees (PHDCs)  was held at the Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre on 17-19 Mar 2017.

The main objective of the programme is to strengthen solidarity among the participants, as well as to empower and equip the PHDCs in their ministry.

Coordinator of the Archdiocesan Human Development Commission (AHDC), Dominic Lim began by reminding the participants of the Archdiocesan Pastoral Thrust based on the ‘threefold movement’, adopted by the Archdiocese: Go inward, Go smaller and Go outward. He stressed that they need to adapt the threefold movement to their services as PHDCs.

Archbishop John Wong’s message was read to the participants. He expressed his support for the programme and felt that its objectives were aimed to improve the quality of service of the PHDCs.

The prelate said that the ministry of Human Development (HD) is comparatively new in relation to the other ministries. Its existence is necessary to help the faithful have a holistic understanding of the mission of the Church.

In addition, the prelate reminded the participants that as Catholics, their focus is not only in the liturgical celebration (Leiturgia) and the proclamation of the Gospel (Kerygma), but also to live out their faith through works of charity (Diakonia).

Modernity, the message continued, brings a lot of benefits but also much socio-economic-emotional anxieties, raising many questions about life.

The message also pointed to the strained relations among various races and religions, the thoughtless exploitation of natural resources, corruption, and abuse of power in politics.

The prelate then concluded his message, asking the PHDCs to educate the parishioners on the proper understanding of the church’s social mission.


INSAN-5 programme also explored the topic of religious freedom with the help of Wotti Junius, a Catholic lawyer, who has provided some guidance and advice on issues regarding documents (birth certificate and identity card), especially cases related to religious status.

The programme also focused on the four areas of service: economic, culture and tradition (KDM), substance abuse, and migration.

INSAN-5 concluded with Mass presided by Father Ambrose Atang,  AHDC spiritual adviser. In his homily, he reiterated the importance of PHDCs as mentioned by Abp John Wong. He also shared his personal experiences in the social ministry, particularly to the migrants. – AHDC


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