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Pastoral staff gather for Easter fellowship

A group photo was taken after the Mass in front of the Sacred Heart Parish Centre, 20 Apr 2017, Karamunsing.

KOTA KINABALU – Around 80 pastoral staff gathered for Easter fellowship at the Sacred Heart Cathedral Canteen on 20 Apr 2017.

The staff came from Catholic Archdiocesan Centre Penampang, Cathedral Parish staff, Church of Mary Immaculate Bukit Padang, St Paul Dontozidon, as well as the domestic staff of the two prelates.

Present also were the 20 aspirants and their English teachers.

Archbishop John Wong presided at the Mass held at the cathedral chapel.  Joining him at the altar were the four assistant pastors, Fathers Rhobby Mojolou, Max Hontor, Mitchelly Kiun and Joshua Liew.

In his homily, Abp Wong exhorted those present to remember what the letters JOY stand for in their service: J=Jesus, O=Others, Y=You (following St Teresa of Calcutta).

After Mass, all adjourned to the canteen for the fellowship.  Aside from lunch, there were games, quiz and lucky draws.  Joining them for the fellowship were Aspirant Director Father Wilfred Atin, and Father Charles Chiew of Keningau Diocese.

The event concluded with a prayer-blessing by the archbishop.

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