PETALING JAYA – The Daughters of St Paul (aka Pauline…
Elect receive preparation rites before baptism at Easter Vigil

KOTA KINABALU – Over a thousand Elect receive the preparation rites on Holy Saturday, 15 Apr 2017, before their baptism at the Easter Vigil or on Easter Sunday in Kota Kinabalu Archdiocese.
At the Sacred Heart Cathedral Karamunsing, over 200 Elect – adults and children – received the ephphetha rite (opening of the ears and mouth) in order that they may hear the word of God and profess it for their salvation.
The elect then returned or recited the Creed: it prepared the elect for the profession of faith they will make immediately before they are baptised. It also instructed them in their duty to proclaim the message of the Gospel.
The anointing with the oil of catechumens below the throat symbolised the elect’s need for God’s help and strength so that, undeterred by the bonds of the past and overcoming the opposition of the devil, they will forthrightly take the step of professing their faith and will hold fast to it unfalteringly throughout their lives.
The oil used for this rite was blessed by the archbishop at the Chrism Mass on Apr 6.
The elect were reminded to continue their fast until they have received the sacraments at the Easter Vigil or Easter Sunday Mass.
Before the dismissal, Archbishop John Wong encouraged the elect to attend the postbaptismal catechesis (mystagogy), especially the Walk to Emmaus programme on May 12-14, and to join one or two of the many groups and communities for ongoing faith formation and growth.
After the dismissal, the English-speaking elect went to the cathedral for a rehearsal for the night ceremony while the BM and the Chinese had rehearsal on Apr 9.
The ministers for the rites were Abp John Wong (English, chapel), Father Rhobby Mojolou (BM, cathedral, elect included those under St Paul Dontozidon), and Father Mitchelly Kiun (Mandarin, parish centre).