KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Over 200 Chinese Legionaries attend annual Acies
KOTA KINABALU – Over 200 Chinese-speaking Legionaries attended the 27th Acies on 26 Mar 2017 at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here.
The event began with a procession by the officials and members (active and auxiliary) of the 13 senior and four junior praesidia under the Kota Kinabalu Chinese Curia from the grotto to the cathedral building.
The curia covers Sacred Heart Cathedral KK, Church of Mary Immaculate Bukit Padang, Good Shepherd Manggatal and Holy Family Telipok.
After all had entered the cathedral, the rosary was recited followed by a word of exhortation by Father Paul Lo, the spiritual director for lay movements in the archdiocese.
The highlight was the renewal of commitment to Mary for another year by all those present – priest, religious and lay with the oldest member at 83 years old and the youngest at nine.
After the individual renewal, all recited the consecratory prayer led by Fr Lo.
The event ended with adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction.
The Acies is a yearly event that falls on a Sunday nearest to March 25, Solemnity of the Annunciation.
Earlier on Mar 18, the KK Comitium organised the Acies for the English- and BM-speaking members at CMI presided by Father Alex Sipanul, its spiritual director.