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CAC staff attend Lenten recollection at the church-by-the-river

MADSIANG, Inobong – Over 30 staff of Catholic Archdiocesan Centre Penampang attended a Lenten recollection at the church-by-the-river here on 24 Mar 2017.

Father Charles Chiew of Keningau Diocese facilitated the recollection at the Catholic Church of Madsiang.

Session 1 dealt with Matthew 19 wherein the 38 staff – married, single, religious – reflected on the origins of their call to service at the archdiocesan level while Session 2 touched on Matthew 5-8 focusing on the call to walk “the extra mile” (Mt 5:41-48) in their service.

After lunch, the recollectionists participated in the Mass integrated with the Stations of the Cross.

Before the event ended, five participants shared their insights and experiences.

This was the second recollection the staff organised under the new administration. The first was held at Sacred Heart Cathedral in 2015.

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