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SHC to host archdiocesan-level Pentecost rally

KOTA KINABALU – In conjunction with the 50th anniversary celebration of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR)  in Rome on Pentecost Sunday, 4 June 2017, Sacred Heart Cathedral here will host a Pentecost rally at archdiocesan level on May 21.

The rally will be organised by the Archdiocesan Service Team (ADST)  for all language – CCR groups in the archdiocese.

The jubilee programme, will begin at 2:00 pm with a Pentecost rally, a time of exuberant praise and worship at the Sacred Heart Parish Hall, enhanced by banners, flags, dances, personal sharing of testimonies and thanksgiving.

Father Paul Lo, Spiritual Adviser for Lay Movements, will deliver an address, followed by a word of exhortation by  Archbishop John Wong.

The event will culminate with a Eucharistic Celebration at the cathedral, presided by Abp Wong, and concelebrated with Fr Lo.

The celebration will conclude with a dinner for all participants. – ADST CCR

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