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65 Franciscans gather for CCFMC

PURAK, Papar – Sixty five participants from eight countries (Philippines, Thailand, Hongkong, Indonesia, Italy, Germany, New Zealand and Malaysia) gathered at Pace Bene, FSIC Center for Spiritual Formation and Retreat here for a two-week seminar on the Comprehensive Course on Franciscan Mission Charism for Southeast Asia-Oceania (CCFMC) on 18-29 Jan 2017.

The CCFMC is a structured programme of 25 Lessons. The focus of the course is on mission, in the sense that all Christians are missionaries, and Franciscan mission in particular, drawing from Francis’ and Clare’s engagement in the world. The programme aims to be international, stressing the importance of local context, and to embrace all branches of the Franciscan family. The material draws on the early Franciscan sources, as well as later scholarship and the latest revisions bring in greater reference to Clare, alongside Francis. The course employs a ‘See – Judge – Act’ method, similar to other models of social action and liberation theology.

The 2017 CCFMC International Programme focused on the Basic Sources, particularly those quoted in the CCFMC Lessons.

CCFMC was conceived in 1982 out of the felt need to discover anew and to re-invigorate the mission dimension of Franciscan life and spirituality.

Topics tackled were 1) CCFMC: Content and Methodology; 2) Franciscan Identity: Its Impact on the World and The World’s Impact on the Franciscan Identity; 3) Basic Sources for the Lives of Francis and Clare, Rule and Life of Third Order Regular and Franciscan Secular Order; 4) Biblical Foundation of Franciscan Mission: Trinitarian Mystery Revealed by Christ in the Spirit; 5) Encyclicals: Laudato Si and Joy of the Gospel, Dialogue with People of other races, culture, creed On Globalization; 6) Plan of Action by each country – To implement what they have learnt in the CCFMC to others

The last CCFMC held in Pace Bene was in October 2012. – Sr Terecia Loukang fsic



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