KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Family members of two aspirants given special blessing at the end of Mass
LIMBAHAU- The family members of aspirants Xavier Maurice and Ronald Aloysius were given a special blessing at the end of the Sunset Mass at Holy Rosary Church here on 29 Jan 2017.
The two aspirants were among the seven participants from the parish and nine from St Joseph Papar who joined the annual vocation seminar for diocesan priesthood at the Bundu Tuhan Retreat Centre Jan 13-15.
The parish will conduct a vocation awareness session at St Linus Linggan on Feb 17.
Born on 22 March 1993, Xavier Maurice is the youngest in a family of three of Maurice Justin John and Theresa Continus Sindu. He was born in Papar but grew up in Kota Kinabalu. He had his primary schooling at SJK(c) Hwa Shiong Putatan and finished secondary school at SMK Datuk Peter Mojuntin Penampang. He took a course on business administration at University Utara Malaysia (UUM) Kedah and tourism course at Asian Tourism Institute (ATI) Kota Kinabalu. He worked with SLDB in Keningau as assistant field manager and then as human resource manager with Sticky Rice Travel.
Ronald Aloysius, born on 30 October 1990, is the youngest in a brood of five of Aloysius Primus and Mariana Tius. He was born in Kg Kabang, Papar. He had his primary schooling at SJK(c) Cheng Hwa, Papar and finished secondary school at SMK St Joseph Papar. He took a course on Medical Lab Technology at MasterSkills College Kuala Lumpur. He worked for a few years in Kuala Lumpur. He returned to Sabah in 2015 to work with Sabah State Railway Department as assistant manager, stationed in Tenom.
Both of them joined the aspirancy programme at the Catholic Archdiocesan Centre Penampang on Feb 3. –SOCCOM Papar-Limbahau