KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
1000 faithful join clergy in bidding farewell to Fr Sunny’s mother
PAPAR – About a thousand faithful joined the clergy in bidding farewell to the mother of Father Sunny Chung at St Joseph here on 6 Feb 2017.
Archbishop John Wong presided over the funeral Mass, concelebrated with Bishop Julius Dusin Gitom of Sandakan and 12 priests.
The late Lucy Lian was fatally hit by a motorbike on Feb 3 at about 10 am at Pengalat.
In a speech, Fr Chung thanked Abp Wong, Bishop Gitom, all the concelebrating priests, and the faithful for their prayerful support and attendance.
Father Chung is currently serving in Sandakan Diocese. – SOCCOM Papar-Limbahau