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KK LOM Comitium elects new president

Immediate Past President Victoria Voon hands over the file to new president Margaret Ng, 15 Jan 2017, CMI.

BUKIT PADANG – The Kota Kinabalu Comitium of the Legion of Mary elected a new president at its monthly meeting here on 15 Jan 2017. Margaret Ng was elected as the president of the comitium for a term of three years 2017-2019.   Spiritual Adviser Father Alex Sipanul was on hand to moderate the election.

The venue and time of meeting remains the same: at 12 noon on every third Sunday of the month at the conference room of the Church of Mary Immaculate here.

The KK Comitium has four curiae (72 presidia) in KK Archdiocese, and  two curiae (20 praesidia) in Sandakan Diocese.

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