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Lunar New Year comes early for SHC senior parishioners

Group photo of those present at the breakfast after the 7 am Mass. Credit: Robert L

KOTA KINABALU – Lunar New Year of the Rooster came early for many senior parishioners at the Sacred Heart Cathedral here on 15 Jan 2017.

Both the Chinese and English units of the Pastoral Care for the Aged Ministry hosted an early Lunar New Year breakfast for senior parishioners aged 55 and above after the 7 am Mandarin and 9 am English Masses respectively at the right wing of the Sacred Heart Parish Centre.

Archbishop John Wong was around to distribute the angpows, gifts for the January-born, and giveaways consisting of paper-made lanterns and fans to the 175 people (including the organisers) present after the 7 am Mass.

Lunar New Year falls on Jan 28 this year.

Breakfast for the seniors is organised monthly by the pastoral care ministry.

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