KOTA KINABALU – In an unprecedented move, two members of…
Alpha Course Penampang experiences growth after four rounds
PENAMPANG – Alpha Course in St Michael Parish here has been experiencing growth since the programme started in April 2014.
Seventy participants from rounds three and four this year received their certificates of completion from Lewis Juit, Penampang Zone Pastoral Committee chairman, and from Clement Jinidu, vice chairman, at the parish hall after Sunset Mass.
Alpha Course is one of the most effective channels to assist participants especially those who are struggling with matters of faith but would like to know more about the Lord Jesus in a very simple and non-threatening way.
Nelson Johnny, who attended the course with his wife, described his experience as valuable. He said that their needs were amazingly met in the watching and understanding through videos, narrations, and live experiences presented topic by topic.
Mary Kuai, who has been attending Alpha courses from round one, said that she experienced the programme as lively and powerful.
The course will resume in the early part of next year. The organisers hoped that many more parishioners from the various zones under Penampang parish will participate in the course. – Penampang SOCCOM